Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Everything that matters...or at least what I remember!

So...I've been a really crummy blogger. I fully intended to chronicle every step of my pregnancy, our daughters birth and all that followed here on this blog for family and friends to see...that hasn't happened. Here's a brief overview of how it went down and what's happened so far.

#1: I was induced 2 weeks early as I was swollen to State Puff Marshmallow proportions and my blood pressure was in the 180-190 region. I was given Pitocin and an epidural shortly after...I slept through several hours of the labor and Avery Marie Watson was born 7 hours later at 5:06 p.m., 7lbs 5oz and 18in long. She was incredible...Mike and I had a mix of emotions, many of which we had never experienced before.

#2: We were released from the hospital 3 days later and uncle Tyler came to help us welcome her home. We were home for one rough night...lots of crying, from both Avery and me...and were re-admitted to the pediatric unit the next day for jaundice. Avery's bilirubin levels were at an 18 which apparently is really bad. The poor girl had to sleep in an incubator with bright blue lights shining on her for nearly 7 days...she even had a little infant mask to protect her eyes.

#3: Finally we bring her home and dive into all that is wonderful, overwhelming, and scary about having a baby. Avery and I finally get the hang of nursing after 3 weeks. She starts sleeping more and more at night, Mike and I love her more and more with each day. She smiles, then stares at us, she grabs, she smiles some more. She makes lots of dirty diapers. She finds herself in the mirror. We cuddle when she stops wiggling. She learned to roll, front and back. She's a thumb sucker. She's the most amazing thing I've ever known...she's our daughter.

#4: We started her on solids 2 weeks before she turned 6 months old. Carrots,Sweet Potato, Peas, Avocado, Banana, then Apple. I make her food for her and although it sounds old-fashioned and a hassle, I'm really enjoying it. I know what I'm feeding her...I enjoy the peeling, chopping, steaming, pureeing...I feel like I'm giving her the best I can...the best start. We'll still be nursing until she's 12 months...barring any issues with little teeth that like to bite...

#5: Teeth...her first baby tooth is making it's way through. It's the bottom front tooth on the right side. It feels like a razor which makes sense since it has to cut through her gums. I gain a little more compassion as I'm sure it's completely miserable...good thing she won't remember this.

#6: We take a Strollerfit class every Tue & Thur where she sits in the stroller while I run around a gym like a crazy person trying to lose weight. I've lost 51 pounds since the peak of my pregnancy and I've actually lost all my pregnancy weight plus 15 pounds...still much more work to be done. We play quite a bit with the Molony's and I'm sure Michelle and Avery are going to be the best of pals!

#7 Mike is loving his job at the District Attorney's office and had several trials last year (all ending in convictions!) I'm so incredibly proud of him and thankful that he works so hard so I can stay home to raise Avery...this is really a dream fulfilled...and I'm trying not to blink. I know one day I'll wake up and she'll be all grown up. She's already 6 months old...time is flying.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last 6 months. I'm going to do my best to update this often with pics and video of our sweet girl.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

35 Weeks - Baby in the Belly

WARNING: This is not cute!! This is the biggest & most uncomfortable I've ever been.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

22 Weeks, 1 Day

I now feel our wiggle worm moving on a normal basis...I wouldn't have it any other way...I'm sure in the next couple months the novelty will wear off, but I'm willing to deal with it!

The Dr. confirmed again that it's a girl...she was laying on her stomach in a breech position...once again uncooperative, but ever so normal.

Everything's been going so well we aren't scheduled for another appt for 8 weeks...I'll be 30 weeks at that point with 10 weeks to go.

measurement note: 1lb 2 oz.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

17 Weeks, 2 Days

This was probably the best appointment...all measurements were normal, the brain, skull, and spinal cord structures were all forming as normal...HOORAY!!! She's starting to look more like a human here...that's right...I said HER...we're having a girl! (Once again our baby was uncooperative and would keep putting her hands in front of her face...is this a sign for things to come?)

measurement note: 7 in. crown to rump

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

14 Weeks, 2 Days

At this point we could see the skeletal structure...unfortunately the 3D part of the ultrasound was not working, the baby would absolutely not cooperate & wouldn't hold still during the Nuchal Translucency screening. The Dr thought the measurement was in the high-normal range so had me do a blood test. The agony of the wait was all consuming...it was a huge relief to hear the results came back normal.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

8 Weeks, 3 Days

Our first 3D ultrasound and visit with the Perinatologist. He let us know that everything at this point looked well, but that it was really too early to tell much of anything. You can see the little arm & leg buds, the umbilical cord, and the yolk sac.